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Showing posts from July, 2015

માધવ ક્યાંય નથી !

માધવ ક્યાંય નથી .......                                  -    હરિન્દ્ર દવે          ‘Madhav  Kyay nathi’  is written by very renowned writer Harindra Dave. The title of the novel – itself suggest something. I think there are two aspect of the title. First , he is not at any particular place means that he is omniscient . And second meaning is that he is no where!               The plot of the novel also deals with this idea and gradually reveals the whole events of Krishna’s life. The story  of the novel reveals not only Krishna’s journey from his birth but also with him we find the journey of Naradmuni who wants to meet Krishna but unfortunately he can’t.                 The novel based on only Naradmuni’s desire or extreme eagerness to meet Krishn...

Does God Exist or Not ?

Does God Exist or Not?                         During our class discussion ELT , Sir gave us three or four topics. like… ‘Advantages and disadvantages of technology’, ‘Religious V/S spirituality’, ’Does God Exist or Not ?’ I think Does God Exist or Not? Is really very interesting  topic.             Yes, I am believer of  God . I surely believe that God exists.  But my perspective of God  is different. Our  group discussion was not so strong because  very  few friends of mine said that that they are not believe in God. And some of them said that they can’t decide may be or not. For them , I think God is  Situational   element . And those who believe in God , they have no particular answer why they believe in God.       ...