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Showing posts from May, 2016

LGAAN - post colonial perspective

LGAAN - with post colonial perspective                                                             LGAAN - the legendry film reflection of British colonial power.  The film is set under the Victorian rules and regulations. May be question arise How can we read this film with Postcolonial aspect ? Yes, How ?  Within the film , we have many points from which we can read the film with Postcolonial point of view.  Let's discuss brief about  post colonialism. Post -Colonial  study is a theoretical structure which gives new perspective to look towards the things and also rejects the dominant western way of seeing things. Means we may say that post colonialism rejects the superiority of western culture. Colonialism and Imperialism are often used interchangeably  .   It is ...

કૃષ્ણાયન ( માણસ થઇનેજીવેલા ઇશ્ર્વરની વાત )

કૃષ્ણાયન  ( માણસ થઇનેજીવેલા ઇશ્ર્વરની વાત ) કૃષ્ણાયન   Written by well known writer Kajal Oza Vaidya. krishna is different from writer's  perspective. હરિન્દ્ દવેના કૃષ્ણ ને કાજલ ઓઝા ના કૃષ્ણ અલગ છે.  This wonderful novel can be read with post modernist aspect. Why it is so popular ? Why people love to read it ? Literature reflects the universal Truth and relations are the most important part of any one's life. Human being think that they are suffering and have problem in their life. Sometime they need sympathy for their pain but really it is necessary to tell everything  to anybody.?? Writer wonderfully projects the character of Krishna though he is considered as God, he has human emotions and feeling. He has also pain and suffering but he can't share it with anybody because જગતનો ભાર છે એની માથે ..!!! Why at the end of life, Krishna wants to count accumulations ?  Why he thinks about his past & relations ...