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Showing posts from February, 2018

NET/SET Workshop Feb 2018

NET/SET Workshop Feb 2018  Special thanks to  Prof. Dilip Barad to arrange such wonderful NET/SET workshop at Department of English - Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University. Department of English is always a source of inspiration for me. I was very excited to attend this workshop because i was not able to attend it last year due to my health. Really, it was much fruitful sessions for NET/SET aspirants like me. It was  pleasure to attend Workshop with dear friends. The workshop was divided in two sessions.  Prof. Dilip Barad Sir gave brief introduction about the expert - Atnu Bhattacharya First session was conducted by Dr. Prof. Atnu Bhattacharya- Chairperson centre for English studies School of Language, Literature, and Culture Studies, Central University of Gujarat Gandhinagar. It was wonderful session conducted byhim. He started with questions and also gave answers of many questions with well clarification of our doubts. He said tha...


Solitude : The balm of some and bane of others.  By nature we are solitary beings. We were born alone, live with unique experience alone, and die alone. Yet, how many of us can say that we enjoy being alone ?  Solitude is often equated with Loneliness but the two are poles apart, only in deep solitude. When the mind become still does the state of existence. One can't become and can't remain creative without solitude. We are lonely today even we are in crowds. Freedom of our own mind removes the sense of loneliness. The complaints, the tears , the misery, the suffering are also a part of life. Life is not all smiles and favorable circumstances. Solitude, silence, non action is a very positive and tremendously creative state. It has its own energy that is qualitatively different from energy of ego consious movement.  We are never alone because we are full of all the Memories, all the conditioning, all the muttering of yesterday.  We are trained from childhoo...