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Showing posts from August, 2015

Hybridity Of Our Everyday lifestyle

          “ Have you ever noticed your every-day life style?”           In this modern age, our everyday life-style becomes Hybrid life-style. Our ideas about culture and the way of living life is totally different .Everything has its own aspects and culture and now questions arise …..  What is Culture? What is everyday life style? Who has access to specific forms of culture in our everyday life? What are the legitimate forms of culture acceptable in everyday life?           ‘ Culture’  is umbrella term. We  can’t define Culture  with crystal clear idea . In short, we may say that Culture means…. What we have and Civilization means…. What we are.           Each day we use all materials things which is not existed in our culture. Without using all tho...

When We Two Parted

                                                                           When we two are parted                                                 Lord Byron When we two parted In silence and tears, Half broken-hearted, To sever for years, Pale grew thy cheek and cold, Colder thy kiss; Truly that hour foretold Sorrow to this. The dew of the morning Sank chill on my brow It felt like the warning Of what I feel now. Thy vows are all broken, And light is thy fame: I hear thy name spoken, And share in its shame...

We all are religious not Moral.

                                                                   We all are believe in religion not in morality.  We don’t need religion to have morals. If  we can’t determine right from wrong then we have lack of empathy not religion. We have our own rules and principles to live a life. Who decide this is right or this is wrong, this is good or this is bad. I think our own conscience tell us . But unfortunately, we  don’t want to listen that and blindly follow the religion. No doubt we live in the society and society has rules and regulation because it is one kind of system and it also necessary. But who decide this religious , orthodox system of society? I think moral concern is connected with our own principles to live life. Each has different morality to live and belief also. I th...