Respected Sir, The Sense of an Ending written by Julian Barns. It's all about Memories. The novel known as 'psycho thriller and Memory Novel.' The novel begins the same way it ends with the accumulation. There is unrest. There is great unrest. Tony Webster tells the story to reader from his memory. Whole life depends on memory and documentation. Such literature disturbs the mind and lead to think about it. Life always end up with Contentment rather than Happiness. Tony said that..... "The Purpose of life is to reconcile us to its eventual loss." Each individual has responsibility. Tony Webster's decision affects so many lives . Why Adrian committed suicide ? Why Sarah ford gives money to Tony which is known as 'Blood Money' ? Why Tony thinks that Veronica behaves rudely with him? Why all such things are happened and affect to everybody ? Is there anyone who is responsible ? Why Tony is shocked ? Why Tony...
That's just the way I am.